What brought you to this moment in your career where the Sustainability Excellence Associate (SEA) made sense for you?
Ever since I started working on green building projects almost eight years back, I wanted to know more about the inception and motivation behind sustainability efforts around the globe. The information about the marque events and best practices related to sustainability was not readily available to learn from. However, since I learned about the SEA credential and the guidebook, which is developed by ISSP to understand core sustainability concepts, I decided to take up the challenge of renewing my knowledge, skills and abilities and moving closer to my dream of becoming a champion sustainability professional.
How are you putting the knowledge, skills, and ability demonstrated in the SEA to work in your career (or work) today?
Based on the KSAs demonstrated in the SEA, I am trying to develop an inclusive, extensive, comprehensive sustainability strategy for companies. Establishing action plans based on applicable frameworks and principles, keeping in mind the regulatory trends and policies for smoother operations and enhancing the company culture with systems thinking and innovation are some things that I keep in mind while helping to prepare the organisation for corporate climate action and social equity.
For those starting out in the sustainability field, what advice do you have for them?
Be inquisitive. Ask questions. Seek advice from experts in the cause that you look forward to champion. Don't be afraid to collaborate and work together; after all, working in silos has caused most of the problems of today. Lastly, I'd like you to go on immersions, which will help you understand the complexities and challenges that must be addressed to deliver sustainable solutions successfully.