Membership Terms & Conditions

Membership terms & conditions

By electing to become a member of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (hereinafter "ISSP"), whether as an individual or on behalf of an organization (hereinafter "Member"), you acknowledge the terms outlined below. You agree to purchase access to the benefits of either "ISSP Individual Membership" or "ISSP Organizational Membership" (hereinafter "Membership"), and you agree you are voluntarily entering into a legally binding Agreement, including the renewal policy, with ISSP, inclusive of the following terms and conditions mutually agreed upon.


Individual Membership Terms and Conditions

Organizational Membership Terms and Conditions

Policies for All Membership Types

Individual Membership Terms and Conditions

For good and valuable consideration of the
set fees paid upfront, Member is electing to purchase an annual subscription to the Individual Membership. ISSP accommodates differences in career journeys and regional economies with membership discounts. See discount policy. In exchange, ISSP agrees to provide the services outlined below.

Member agrees and understands that they are purchasing an annual subscription to Individual Membership. Only the person who applied to become the Member is eligible to utilize benefits associated with the Individual Membership.

This Individual Membership includes:

  • Member discounts on selected professional development courses, selected events, and Sustainability Excellence credential study materials and exam fees
  • Access to regular member networking, hosted virtually
  • Access to regular member working sessions
  • Access to the on-demand webinar library
  • Access to online discussion forum
  • Right to use the ISSP logo and membership designation in accordance with ISSP's branding guidelines

This Individual Membership does not guarantee:

  • Member discounts on all courses, events, and materials 
  • Access to in-person member networking
  • Access to other member contact details without prior consent
  • Completion and passing grades on the Sustainability Excellence credential exam(s)
  • Assurances regarding a particular financial and employment outcome based on use of the Membership

Member acknowledges that they read the Individual Membership Terms and Conditions and conducted any additional research necessary to feel they understand what is being provided in the Individual Membership as well as what is not included. Member agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined herein, as well as the general policies and procedures that can be found in this Agreement and on ISSP’s website. 

Individual Membership is not to be considered a substitute for personalized business, career, financial, or legal advice. Individual Membership is not designed to treat any mental, emotional, or other medical conditions. If you as the Member believe you may be in need of personalized attention, whether for your business, career, finances, health, or otherwise, please seek additional assistance outside the Individual Membership. 

Organizational Membership Terms and Conditions

For good and valuable consideration of the set fees paid upfront, Member is electing to purchase an annual subscription to the Organizational Membership. Public entities, nonprofits, and academic institutions are applicable for a discounted rate of membership. See discount policy. In exchange, ISSP agrees to provide the services outlined below.

Member agrees and understands that they are purchasing an annual subscription to Organizational Membership. Only the person who applied (hereafter “Main Contact”) to become the Member and colleagues within their organization, named by said Member and presented to ISSP, are eligible to utilize benefits associated with the Organizational Membership. See responsibilities of Main Contact below. If at any point the Organizational Membership is terminated, the person who applied to become the Member and colleagues within their organization, named by said Member and presented to ISSP, will also lose their member status.

For each Member named and listed under the Organizational Membership agreement, this Organizational Membership includes:

  • Access to select professional development courses and credential study materials as determined by ISSP, limited to 100 included members per organization.
  • Access to regular member networking, hosted virtually
  • Access to regular member working sessions
  • Access to the on-demand webinar library
  • Member discounts on additional professional development courses and Sustainability Excellence credential study materials beyond included course list as determined by ISSP, selected events, and Sustainability Excellence exam fees
  • Right to use the ISSP logo and membership designation in accordance with ISSP's branding guidelines

Additional benefits of the Organizational Membership may include additional number of seats in included professional development courses and Sustainability Excellence study materials, SEA Study Cohort seats, and SEA exam fees. Member should refer to their signed Organizational Membership agreement for such additional benefits. 

This Organizational Membership does not guarantee:

  • Member discounts on all courses, events, and materials 
  • Access to in-person member networking
  • Access to other member contact details without prior consent
  • Completion and passing grades on the Sustainability Excellence credential exam(s)
  • Assurances regarding a particular financial and employment outcome based on use of the Membership

Member acknowledges that they have read the Organizational Membership Terms and Conditions and conducted any additional research necessary to feel they understand what is being provided in the Individual Membership as well as what is not included. Member agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined herein, as well as the general policies and procedures that can be found in this Agreement and on ISSP’s website. 

Organizational Membership is not to be considered a substitute for personalized business, career, financial, or legal advice. Organizational Membership is not designed to treat any mental, emotional, or other medical conditions. If you as the Member believe you may be in need of personalized attention, whether for your business, career, finances, health, or otherwise, please seek additional assistance outside the Organizational Membership. 

Responsibilities of Main Contact

The Main Contact, designated by each Organizational Member, shall bear the responsibility for ensuring the proper and authorized access for their respective team members. This includes, but is not limited to, verifying that all team members are eligible for access under the terms of the membership agreement and that access credentials are managed and distributed appropriately.

Member Eligibility at Academic Institutions

For Organizational Members that are academic institutions, the membership benefits and access rights are expressly limited to current faculty, staff, and students. Access and benefits shall not extend to alumni or other affiliated parties who do not fall within the aforementioned categories.

Policies for All Membership Types

Payment Policy

Member understands the cost of the Membership is payable annually. Member agrees to pay the sum requested in full prior to accessing Membership benefits. 

The Membership expiration date is determined by the anniversary date of the day payment is processed and Membership begins. Payment to renew Membership, no matter when payment is processed, will extend Membership from expiration date, not from payment date.

Should Member fail to make timely payments, or if additional payments are not able to be processed, Member understands Member’s access to the Membership may be restricted if payment is not made within one (1) day of the date it is due. If payment is not made on the date it is due, ISSP will continue to attempt to charge Member via the membership site software; if and when payment goes through, Member will again receive full access to Membership. If payment is not collected, Member’s access will remain restricted, and Member will carry a balance on their account. Member must bring the account completely current in order to be granted access. If payment continues to be unsuccessful after sixty (60) days, Membership shall be revoked and permanently canceled. Should Member wish to rejoin the Membership, Member must do so at the current rate it is being offered. 

In the event that the cost of Membership increases, Member will be provided with prior notice of the change. Upon renewal, existing Member will be subject to the new rate and the previous rate will no longer be applicable. 

Renewal policy

Member understands and agrees that continued access to the Membership requires recurring annual payments that are due prior to the Member’s renewal date. ISSP will send a reminder of the renewal date at least 30 days in advance.

All Members are enrolled in Auto-Renewal when Member registers for Membership. Member renewal invoices are automatically generated and sent to the member’s email a month prior to the end of the member’s annual membership period. Auto-Renewal does not charge a payment. 

If Member elects Auto-Pay, Member will be charged automatically. Member understands they will be automatically charged each year via the same card in which the initial payment was made, for the following year of membership. This process will repeat each year unless and until Member properly cancels Membership. In the event that the cost of Membership increases, Member will be provided with prior notice of the change. Upon renewal, existing Member will be subject to the new rate and the previous rate will no longer be applicable.

Auto-Renewal process is as follows:

  1. Member is enrolled in Auto-Renewal when Member joins.
  2. ISSP sends a reminder email 30 days before member renewal date.
  3. Member must log into member account and complete payment.
  4. Member is notified via email that the charge was successful.
  5. Membership is renewed for the next membership term.

The optional
Auto-Pay process is as follows:

  1. Member has option to opt in for Auto-Pay when joining or paying a renewal invoice. 
  2. ISSP sends a reminder email 30 days before member renewal date.
  3. If Member previously opted into Auto-Pay, Member’s card is charged 5 days after the above notice.
  4. Member is notified via email that the charge was successful.
  5. Membership is renewed for the next membership term.

Discount Policy

Member must agree to the cost of Membership as established by ISSP.  As an inclusive, international community, ISSP accommodates differences in career journeys and regional economies with membership discounts.

If Member has been promised a discount that is less than the standard Individual Membership rate due to their status as a student, retiree, or job search, Member understands that if their status changes, the annual amount due and payable will be the full amount.

If Member has been promised a discount that is less than the standard Individual Membership rate due to their status as a resident of a low or middle income country as defined by the World Bank, Member understands that if their residency or country economy level status changes, the annual amount due and payable will change accordingly.

If Member has been promised a discount that is less than the standard Organizational Membership rate(s) due to their organizations address status in a low or middle income country as defined by the World Bank, Member understands that if their organizations official address or country economy level status changes, the annual amount due and payable will change accordingly.

If Member has been promised a discount that is less than the Organizational Membership rate due to their status as a public entity, academic institution, or nonprofit, Member understands that if their status changes, the annual amount due and payable will be the full amount.

If Member has been promised a discount that is less than the Organizational Membership rate due to a sponsorship, nomination, or application, Member understands that if their status changes, the annual amount due and payable will be the full amount.

If Member has joined the Membership during a promotional period and has been promised a discount that is less than current Membership rate, Member understands that after this discount period ends, the annual amount due and payable will be the full amount.

Cancellation Policy

In order to cancel a Membership, Member must send an email to [[email protected]] with the subject line ISSP MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATION. In the body of the email, the Member must include the Member’s name, email address, and confirmation of request to terminate membership. Member will be notified upon ISSP’s receipt of email, and membership will subsequently be canceled. Any requests for cancellation made less than 24 hours before the Member's renewal date, or made subsequent to the charge, will take effect the following year.

Refund Policy 

ISSP is not able to offer refunds once Member has purchased access to the Membership for any reason, including inability to obtain access to the site. If Member is dissatisfied with Membership or otherwise unable to view it in its entirety, they may reach out to customer service at [[email protected]] or may elect to Cancel via the CANCELLATION POLICY outlined above.

Member further agrees and understands that changing their mind about the Membership, failing to follow through or understand the details of the Membership, not experiencing the results expected or desired, or experiencing any other similar situations does not entitle Member to a refund.

By checking the box on the purchase page confirming your agreement to these Terms, you also confirm you are given your unequivocal, clear, affirmative consent to your agreement with these billing terms, the cancellation policy, the refund policy, and that you understand how to cancel. 

Termination Policy

ISSP has a right to terminate Membership if any of the above terms and conditions are violated. Member can cancel their Membership at any point and for any reason and will not be charged for their next annual billing cycle. 

Member Marks and Logos

The ISSP Logo is available for download and use to all current members, provided, however, that all members must abide by the ISSP
branding requirements for use of the logo.

Once the Member no longer belongs to the Membership, the Member must immediately cease all use of ISSP member marks and logos. 

Directory Policy

Once a Member joins ISSP, the Member profile will automatically be included in the Membership directory, which is only viewable by other members. No addresses will be displayed in the directory. Members can control what details are shown by editing Member’s profile in the member account. If a member does not wish to appear in the directory, Member must contact ISSP support, so ISSP can hide Member’s profile from the directory.


As part of Member’s access to Membership, Member will gain access to various trade secrets and
intellectual property of ISSP, including but not limited to materials such as verbal, written, and video knowledge and advice, and/or other information that may become available for use through Member’s participation in the Membership. 

Member understands and acknowledges that this information is not to be openly shared with others who have not purchased a subscription to the Membership. Member agrees not to share, copy, or distribute any documents or other proprietary information obtained through the Membership, and agrees that he or she will be in violation of these Terms and Conditions if they use any of ISSP owned content outlined as their own material, or repurposes and uses the content in their own business without express written permission of ISSP.  Should Member breach this provision and disclose confidential or proprietary information belonging to ISSP or another Member participating in the Membership, Member understands additional action may be taken by ISSP up to and including legal action. 

Member is encouraged to review and confirm agreement to the ISSP Privacy Policy prior to joining the Membership and creating an account. 


ISSP is not responsible for any specific technology needed in order to adequately view and utilize the Membership. Member’s inability to access the Membership due to an issue with Member’s technology, equipment, or Internet connection does not qualify Member for a refund, nor does it alleviate Member of responsibility to make annual payments, unless or until the Membership is properly canceled in accordance with the cancellation policy.

Voluntary Participation

Member understands and agrees that Member is voluntarily choosing to enroll in The Membership and is solely responsible for any outcomes or results. While ISSP believes in the services and that the Membership is able to help many people, Member acknowledges and agrees that ISSP is not responsible nor liable to Member should Member sustain any injuries, incur harm, or encounter any negative ramifications. Member agrees that they are fully responsible for their health and well-being, including participation in the Membership and any results therein. 

Member also understands they will have the opportunity to provide ISSP with additional personal information, viewable to all the members, including but not limited to location, industry, and other information. All information is completely voluntary and optional to complete, and Member does not gain or lose anything in the Membership for choosing to complete or not complete the additional information. Member understands this information will only be viewable to others inside the Membership, and understands that should they elect to complete the information, they are doing so completely voluntarily, and that the Membership and ISSP are not responsible for any negative results from such information dissemination. 

Member will be given the ability to opt out of certain communications from ISSP, and ISSP does not sell member lists or member contact information to any outside organization.

Disclaimer /No Guarantees

ISSP cannot guarantee results from any of the content on the Membership, and cannot make any representations or guarantees regarding individual results. Member will hold ISSP harmless if Member does not experience the desired results. 

Member understands that all services provided by the Membership and ISSP in connection with the Membership being purchased are provided on an “as is” basis, meaning it is without any guarantees, representations, or warranties, including but not limited to warranties relating to quality, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or expectation or course of performance. Member is choosing to purchase access to the Membership and work with ISSP on a purely voluntary basis and does not hold ISSP responsible should Member become dissatisfied with any portion of the Membership. 

Member agrees that they do not have a cause of action, legal remedy, and are not entitled to a refund should Member not achieve the results desired following subscription to the Membership, as long as ISSP delivers the Membership as described in these Terms and Conditions.

Recommendations or Referrals within the Membership 

If ISSP makes any recommendations or includes any offerings, deals, coupon or discount codes, or suggested companies/brands within Membership, Member understands that ISSP is not responsible nor liable should Member elect to utilize any products or services from a recommended company or vendor, and any such decision to do so is wholly voluntary and outside the scope of the Membership. Any recommended list of products and services ISSP likes and/or uses may or may not be useful to members of the Membership. 

Intellectual Property 

Member agrees and understands that ISSP has created numerous original, creative works in connection with the Membership, and agrees that ISSP maintains all copyrights and other
intellectual property rights in all original or derivative content associated with or included in the Membership, whether created prior to working with Member or specifically for Member, including but not limited to: documents, videos, courses, webinars, handouts, worksheets, and any other original work created by ISSP. Member agrees they may be granted a limited right to use selected materials in the course of their own organization but understands that the original proprietary rights remain with ISSP. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a transfer of ownership of any Intellectual Property from ISSP to Member, nor grant any license to use the information, other than that which is expressly provided throughout the course of the Membership. 

Member agrees and understands they are not to copy, repost, alter, publish, sell, assist others in selling, manipulate, distribute, or in any way exploit any of the content or intellectual property provided by ISSP or obtained through working with ISSP, without ISSP’s express written consent. If such behavior is discovered or suspected, ISSP reserves the right to immediately end Member’s participation in the Membership without refund, as well as access to any the Membership or materials Member may have purchased, without refund, and reserve the right to prosecute any actionable infringement or misuse to the full extent of the law. 

Dispute Resolution 

Should a dispute arise between ISSP and Member, the parties agree to attempt to resolve by good-faith negotiations and discussions. (Member agrees that failure to see results is not a basis for a “dispute” and agrees he or she does not hold ISSP responsible for any specific results, or those results which have been achieved by other members of ISSP.) 

Applicable Law

This Agreement, any addenda or amendments attached hereto, each transaction entered into hereunder, and all matters arising from or related to this Agreement (including its validity and interpretation) shall be governed exclusively by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the District of Columbia without reference to its choice of law doctrine.


This agreement may be amended or modified from time to time, as the Membership is updated, laws or regulations change, or as desired by ISSP. Member understands and agrees that they will abide by the most recent version of these Terms and Conditions, and will check back periodically as needed. Should ISSP make any large changes to these Terms and Conditions, you as the Member will be notified, and given an opportunity to cancel your Membership should you refuse to agree to the updated Terms. Otherwise, your continued Membership will serve as confirmation of your agreement to the updated terms. 

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