

Excellence credentials

Developed with rigorous international standards, the Sustainability Excellence credentials provide third-party verification of competency in the profession to a rapidly growing community.

Earn industry recognition

Business leaders are looking for credibility when it comes to sustainability hires. In a space exploding with applicants, set yourself apart with demonstrated familiarity with the core issues, trends, concepts, and frameworks of sustainability.

In addition to preparing candidates to sit for the Sustainability Excellence credentialing exams, the SEA and SEP study materials offer an in-depth description of the sustainability field. They are often used as professional reference guides in both academic and field settings.

Download SEA Study Guide sample

Sustainability Excellence Associate (SEA) Credential

Originally created by ISSP, the SEA credential demonstrates an understanding of core sustainability concepts and best practices. The SEA is designed for those who are new to the sustainability field, including students, recent graduates or professionals interested in incorporating sustainability concepts into their work. The SEA is a prerequisite for the SEP.

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Sustainability Excellence Professional (SEP) Credential
The SEP demonstrates advanced knowledge and experience in the sustainability field. Candidates must earn the SEA first and demonstrate professional mastery in key fields, including stakeholder engagement, and implementation of sustainable strategies. The SEP is intended to recognize experts who are at the forefront of the transition to a more sustainable world.

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How to earn the SEA or SEP credential

As developer of the credential, ISSP provides education to support exam preparation, credential maintenance, and professional development. Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) acquired the credential in 2019 and is responsible for administering exams and delivering the certificates.

You can register for the exams on the GBCI website, and we encourage reviewing the SEA Candidate Handbook alongside the study materials.

Want to join an SEA Study Cohort? See when the next cohort begins.



Purchase prep materials and create a study schedule for yourself. Each study bundle includes the Study Guide, Sustainability Terms Flash Cards, and Exam Practice Questions.

See study bundles



Read the Candidate Handbook. Then, create or log into a GBCI site account and visit the credentials page to register for the exam. The exam can be taken online from home or in a testing center.

Register for exam



After passing the exam, you’ll earn a professional credential to share with your network and prospective employers. It's valid for two years and requires ongoing professional development.

Maintain my credential

Pro-tip: Become an ISSP member! This will save you $110 on the SEA Study Bundle, as well as another $175 discount on the exam fee. It's a no-brainer when membership is only $150.

Master foundational sustainability concepts

Move your career forward in sustainability. The SEA study materials will give you familiarity with the core issues, trends, concepts and frameworks of sustainability.

Explore study bundles Download free sample

Please note that the study materials are not available for download. They must be accessed exclusively through our learning hub to ensure a secure and up-to-date learning experience. Read policy.

Discounts for individual and organizational members

ISSP members receive significant discounts on the SEA and SEP study materials and the exam. Just login to the store with your member credentials to see member pricing.

Reach out for bulk pricing if you'd like to provide study materials for your whole team. 

Visit store

New course bundle based on the SEA 🎉

By purchasing the Sustainability Core Competencies course and SEA Study Bundle together, you get significant savings and receive a video course, a written study guide, flashcards, and exam practice questions. These materials complement each other, so you can study for the Sustainability Excellence Associate (SEA) credential in the learning style (visual, auditory, reading/writing) that best fits your needs. 

Explore course bundle

Download a free sample of the SEA Study Guide

Curious about how the SEA credential can advance your career? The Sustainability Excellence Associate (SEA) credential demonstrates an understanding of core sustainability concepts and best practices.

We’re offering a free sample of our SEA Study Guide to help you decide if this is the right resource for you.

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Learn better with video and quizzes? Consider the Core Competencies and SEA Bundle. It's our most comprehensive bundle of foundational sustainability training. 

FAQs on credentialing

  • Where do I find the study materials for the SEA/SEP credentials?

    Our store is currently open for beta-testing, and you can purchase SEA and SEP study materials. Please note however that our on-demand courses are not yet live. Thank you for your patience as we make updates! 

    Looking for FAQs about the transition? Read more info on what you can expect this summer.

  • Where do I register for the SEA or SEP exam?

    ISSP is the education provider for the SEA and SEP credentials. However, the exam and registration process are managed by our partner, Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). 

    You can learn more about both the SEA and SEP credentials, including registration for the exam here. We encourage you to download the SEA Candidate Handbook which contains detailed information on the exam and renewal process. 

    If you have any questions about this process, you can reach out to GBCI directly via email at

  • When will I receive my SEA or SEP study materials?

    The study materials are all provided instantly with an access link and password on your confirmation page. This information is also emailed to you immediately upon purchase. 

    If you purchased the materials and did not receive an email, please check your junk and/or spam folders. 

    If you are still unable to locate the email, please submit a support ticket, and we'll reply within 3 business days. 

  • What is needed to maintain the SEA or SEP credential?

    Each credential has its own renewal requirements managed by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). Learn more about renewal requirements or credential maintenance

    For any additional questions, please reach out to GBCI directly via email at

  • Where do I take the SEA or SEP exam?

    The exam can be scheduled to be taken at a proctoring location near you or from your home. This process is managed by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). 

    Learn more about scheduling the exams

    For any additional questions, please reach out to GBCI directly via email at

  • Are the SEA and SEP programs designed for professionals working outside of the United States?

    The SEA and SEP credentials are international, and there are credential holders all around the world.

  • How long does it take to prepare for the SEA and SEP exams?

    The amount of time needed to prepare for an ISSP exam is dependent on each individual and their familiarity with the exam content. ISSP recommends that candidates give themselves at least a month to prepare using the ISSP study materials.

  • How do I find other SEA/SEP credential holders in my area?

    You can search for other credential holders on GBCI’s public directory.

  • What is exam maintenance and how might it affect my journey?

    Exam maintenance is a key component of the life cycle of an exam. It allows GBCI the opportunity to review statistical data collected over a specified period and determine which questions need to be updated or replaced to ensure the exam continues to have accurate content, a high level of integrity, and fairness. The process is seamless for candidates and should not disrupt any existing study or scheduling arrangements.

    You can learn more here

  • Why have I not received a credential renewal email?

    ISSP does not manage the renewal process, so please reach out to GBCI with any questions about credential maintenance. You can view their FAQs here or email

  • I am registering for the SEA/SEP, and it's asking for a member ID. What should I enter?

    If you are an active ISSP member, please reach out to us for a member ID code.

    This will give you a significant member discount on your exam fee.

Prepare for your SEA

exam with confidence

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