What brought you to this moment in your career where the Sustainability Excellence Associate (SEA) made sense for you?
I have been working as a sustainability professional for years in Turkiye, and I am always trying to improve my skills and knowledge by involving worldwide activities. I am a member of ISSP since 2020, and I believe in the reliability of the institution. I like the approach and mindset that ISSP is following. Sustainability is a term that is newly developing in my country, so by earning this credential, I was aiming to prove my experience level in sustainability. I hope that I can influence my colleagues in my country to have these kinds of credentials and certifications that create impact.
How are you putting the knowledge, skills, and ability demonstrated in the SEA to work in your career (or work) today?
I am working as a sustainability consultant, and also I am giving professional training in sustainability. So I am sure that I will use the knowledge, skills, and ability demonstrated in the SEA in my professional life.
For those starting out in the sustainability field, what advice do you have for them?
I would advise them to read a lot, follow system thinking principles, and always pay attention to the value chain.